Masjid as the center of Development & humanitarian Activities
In order to capitalize on and in appreciation of the significant role, position, influence and impact of religions in Bangladesh, PROCHESTA has adopted a faith-based, specially Islamic, perspective of and approach to integrated sustainable development. Accordingly, PROCHESTA has established a masjid (in the village: Mathh Chakla, sub district: Chowgachha, district: Jessore, Bangladesh).
PROCHESTA recognizes that the Prophet (pbuh) used masjid not only for worshipping and ritual performance but also as the center of worldly activities including administration of the institutions of education, justice, consultative assembly, governance of internal affairs, international and diplomatic relations and affairs of peace, reconciliation and war, and shelter for homeless people. Certainly masjid is perceived to play a vital role as the center for all affairs of Muslims’ life, be it material or spiritual, mundane or religious, for the welfare of this world or success in the hereafter. That is why the Prophet (pbuh) has identified masjid as the best place on the earth and stated that “he who has established a masjid on the earth has built his eternal house of peace in the paradise”.